Signed a law providing for a delay of up to six months for the payment of loans

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law providing for a delay of up to six months in the payment of consumer loans and mortgages for both individual entrepreneurs and individuals.

To do this, it will be enough to call the bank and submit an application by phone. If the bank needs additional information, you will have 90 days to prepare it. In this case, the grace period will be set from the date of application.

Get a reprieve can those who have income decreased by more than 30% last month, compared with an average monthly income over the last year.

During the grace period, you can partially or fully repay your loan, at the same time, payments in the first place will go to the payment of principal. The law also provides for credit holidays for small and medium enterprises from the most affected sectors. It is necessary to contact the bank no later than September 30 of this year.

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