Сhildren’s business school network “BALANCE”

"BALANCE" is a federal children’s business school network.

Line of activity – development of children aged 7 to 17 in soft skills (leadership, rhetoric financial literacy, time management etc.)

The company possesses author programs, proprietary methodologies as well as game-like practical formats.    

More than 500 children were trained in unique author methodologies!

Students of children’s business school "BALANCE":

  • fully realizes their potential;
  • indulge in their favorite pastime;
  • discover their favorite profession;
  • become financially literate;
  • develop professional skills;
  • establish new acquaintances;
  • reveal leadership skills;
  • improve their academic performance in the school;
  • acquire communication skills (rhetoric).

The following disciplines are successfully practiced in business school "BALANCE":

  • "Soft Skills";
  • Career guidance";
  • "Business course";
  • "Business camp".

Tentative number of established workplaces - 3

Enterprise income amount equals 1 million rubles.