Economy of Sevastopol

The economy of the region consists of the following indicators:

  • free economic zone
  • consumer market, retail trade, restaurant economy;
  • foreign economic activities;
  • entrepreneurship;
  • banking system;
  • other social indicators.


  • The industrial production decreased by 4,7% as compared to the similar period of 2020 (effective as of January-December 2020).
  • As of January-December 2020, enterprises produced 661 units products for a total amount of 197,2 million rubles. 
  • In the manufacturing industry, production decreased by 6%.
  • As of 01.01.2021, the number of enterprises in mining and manufacturing industries (excluding food, tobacco and beverages) amounted to 542 units.
  • In order to create a competitive, stable, structurally balanced industry, effectively solving the problem of ensuring the economic development of the city of Sevastopol and increasing the country's defense capability, the regional project "Industrial exports in the federal city of Sevastopol", "Targeted support for increasing labor productivity at enterprises in the city of Sevastopol", state program of the city of Sevastopol "Development of the industry of the city of Sevastopol". In 2020, on the implementation of the objectives of the program provided 51,0 million rubles., Including 39,8 million rubles. - funds from the budget of the city of Sevastopol, 11,2 million rubles. - extrabudgetary funds.


  • Production of agriculture at constant prices compared to the corresponding period of 2020 decreased by 1,1 %. (as of January- March 2021). The volume of production amounted to 480,0 million rubles.
  • Leading 12 agro-industrial enterprises are engaged in the production of wine from grapes; growing of perennial crops, grapes, grain, industrial and other agricultural crops; wholesale trade in beverages; production of bread and flour confectionery, cakes and cakes of short storage, margarine products.
  • For 2021, for the implementation of the state program of the city of Sevastopol "Development of the agricultural, fishery and agro-industrial complexes of Sevastopol" in terms of supporting agriculture, funds in the amount of 393,6 million rubles are provided (funds from the budget of the city of Sevastopol – 76,1 million rubles, from the federal budget – 317,5 million rubles).


  • Commissioned 993 residential buildings, residential premises in non-residential buildings and residential buildings with a total area of 111,8 thousand sq. m, of which 56,1 thousand sq. m - built on land plots intended for gardening.
  • The community built and commissioned 813 houses with a total area of 103,9 thousand sq.m. 63 residential buildings with an area of 8,6 thousand sq.m were commissioned in the countryside.  

Transport and communications

  • The passenger traffic decreased by 18,5 %, thus comprising 159187,1 thousand passengers-kilometers (effective as of January-March 2021).
  • The automobile transport of large and medium-sized organizations carried 161,2 thousand tons of cargoes (60,2% higher than in January-March 2020) and performed 6746,3 thousand tons-kilometers of cargo traffic (by 62,0% higher).
  • The following services operate on the territory of the city of Sevastopol:
    • 124 stations for control for photo-video fixation of administrative traffic rules’ violations;
    • paid parking lots on the territory of Balaklava (79 car places) and within the central ring, Leninsky district (967 car places).
  • Postal services. - As of January-March 2021, written correspondence, parcels and transfers sent and forwarded – 874,7 thousand pieces (5,7% more than on 01.04.2020); written correspondence, parcels, money transfers, periodicals received and handed in – 1326,9 thousand pieces (less by 9,9%); 127,0 thousand pay-offs of public pensions and financial aid (less by 16,3%).
  • Telecommunications. 92 telephone exchanges (stations and substations) of which 8 – in the rural area – operate in the city of Sevastopol. The length of the cable-conduit line makes 887,4 km. The functioning of fixed-line communications and provision of public telecommunications services is ensured through operation of more than 7,6 thousand km of cable communication lines.      
  • 939 new connections of technical means and additional services were completed (by 21,8% more than by in the same period in 2020), of which: 409- connection to the Internet; 113 - to replace wiring, sockets, numbers, rates; 97 - for IPTV service; 87 - phone installation.
  • Mobile radio communications. 27900 subscribers (growth by 8,9 % as compared to 01.04.2020) are provided with services of the city mobile operator under the trademark «SevMobile». In addition, 7464 subscriber devices (more than 5,9%) are registered in the network on a constant basis. 143 base stations and SMS-center operate.


  • 4713,6 mln rubles of investments into fixed assets were mobilized in January-March 2021, is by 2,4 times more than in the comparable period in 2020.
  • Investments in fixed assets (excluding small businesses and the volume of investments not observed by direct statistical methods) amounted to 3653,9 million rubles, is by 2,4 times more than in the same period of 2020.
  • The basic financing source for investments were borrowed funds – 52,0%, own funds of economic entities made 48,0%.
  • Investments were directed to buildings (except for residential) and structures, land improvement costs (66,8% of the total investment); machinery and equipment, including household inventory and other objects, vehicles (25,0%); others (1,4%); intellectual property items (0,3%).

Implementation of the Federal Target Program (FTP)

  • In 2020 the Federal Target Program «Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until the year 2025» across the territory of the city of Sevastopol is being implemented on 10 directions of socio-economic development of the region: energy sector, public utility, transportation sector, healthcare system, education, culture, sports, industrial sector, tourism, security, veterinary medicine and others.
  • The amount of financing for 2021 will amount to 18795,03 million rubles, including: from the federal budget 17855,24 million rubles.

Free economic zone (FEZ)

  • As of 01.04.2021, 414 contracts on the terms & conditions of activities in FEZ were concluded. Of which 365 are small and medium-sized business entities and 29 are not small and medium-sized business entities. 
  • Over the entire period of operation of FEZ, as of 01.01.2021 the actual volume of capital investments of FEZ participants made 9,3 billion rubles, thus exceeding the planned volume by 1.9 times. 11885 workplaces were created.

Consumer market and prices

  • Retail trade turnover of Sevastopol in January-March 2021 amounted to 16013,1 mln rubles and decreased compared to last year by 0,2%.
  • Provided paid services for 9443,1 million rubles, which in comparable prices by 8,4% less than in the corresponding period in 2020. Paid services accounted for the largest share: household services – 32,4%, utilities – 18,9%, housing – 10,5%, telecommunications – 6,8%; educational systems – 6,7 %; transport – 4,9%; medical – 4,7%.
  • Catering enterprises sold products for 1539,7 million rubles, which is 4,9% more in comparable prices than in the same period in 2020.
  • 13 fairs were held at 53 fairgrounds with the provision of 1276 fairgrounds, of which 8 fairs for the sale of agricultural products were held at 40 sites with 1202 places.
  • The consumer price index (CPI) for goods and services in March 2020 against December 2020 amounted to 103,0%, including: for food products – 104,5%, non-food products – 101,6%, services – 101,6%. Compared to the comparable month of 2020, the CPI increased by 1,6 p.p.
  • The cost of a fixed basket of consumer goods and services for inter-regional comparisons of purchasing power of the population in the middle of the city of Sevastopol at the end of March 2021 amounted to 16969,91 rubles per person and compared to the previous month decreased  by 4,3%, since the beginning of the year – decreased by 6,9%.

Foreign economic activities

  • According to the data of customs statistics, with due account of the data of mutual trade in January- March 2021, the foreign economic turnover of the city of Sevastopol made 1621,8 thousand US dollars.
  • In January- March 2021, the export share in foreign trade turnover made 73,3% or 1189,5 thousand US dollars, that of import – 26,7% or 432,3 thousand US dollars.   
  • The export product portfolio was comprised of: alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and vinegar – 23,4%; electric machines and equipment, their parts – 17,3%; ferrous metals and the related materials – 13,4% and others; cotton, felt or fiber felt and nonwoven fabric; special yarn, twine, ropes, cords and сables and the related materials – 9,4%; processed products of vegetables, fruits, nuts or other plant parts – 4,8%
  • The following prevailed in the import product portfolio: furniture, bedding, mattresses, lamps and lighting equipment, illuminated signs, prefabricated building structures – 22,3%; boilers, equipment and mechanical devices, their parts – 20,5%; ceramic products – 12,6%; paper and cardboard, products from paper pulp, paper or cardboard – 10,6%; fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin and their cleavage products – 6,0%; others.


  • As of 01.04.2021, according to the Unified State Register of Taxpayers, there were 10,6 thousand legal entities and 16,6 thousand individual entrepreneurs registered with the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Sevastopol (on 01.04.2020 – 10,7 thousand units and 17,4 thousand units accordingly).
  • NCO «Microcredit company fund of micro-financing of small and medium-sized business entities in the city of Sevastopol» advanced 47 micro-loans for a total amount of 112,2 mln rubles.
  • NCO «Guarantee fund for support of small and medium-sized business entities in the city of Sevastopol» executed 15 sureties for a total amount of 25,6 mln rubles.

Banking system

  • As of 01.01.2021 the infrastructure of economy’s banking sector is represented by 66 banking subdivisions.
  • Attracted funds of organizations, bank deposits (deposits) and other funds attracted from legal entities and individuals in rubles as of 01.01.2021 amounted to 52,5 billion rubles, including deposits (deposits) and other attracted funds from individuals - 37,5 billion rubles. (an increase of 23,2 %).

Employment and wages, incomes, demographics

  • The number of labor force aged 15 years and over on average in January-March 2021 amounted to 224,1 thousand people. The number of employed citizens is 213,8 thousand people. The number of unemployed citizens is 10,3 thousand people. The level of participation in the labor force – 59,7%, the employment rate – 56,9%, the unemployment rate – 4,6%.
  • The level of registered unemployment – 0,60 % of the labor force (as of 01.04.2021 –  by 2.5 times).
  • The value of the subsistence minimum for 2021 per capita is 11380 rubles, including: for the able-bodied population – 12164 rubles; pensioners – 9862 rubles; children – 12276 rubles.
  • In January-September 2021, according to preliminary data, the average monthly salary for the full range of organizations by net economic activity was 37816 rubles. (10,6% more than in the same period in 2020).
  • The resident population of the city of Sevastopol as of 01.01.2021 amounted to 510,0 thousand people.